Our books

Therapy by magnetic fields

Authors: I.Z.Samosjuk, N.V.Chuhraev, V.M.Paramonchik, N.I.Samosjuk, A.K.Kozhanova, A.N.Sopilnik.

Suggested scientific-practical materials systematize a various theoretical views about a problem of a magnetic therapy, make a brief review of its development and describe the diversified variants and techniques of practical application of this ancient method.

The newest variants of a magnetic therapy and simultaneously the ancient ways of the "applying" of permanent magnets, uses of the magnetized water, etc., which alternately were spurned and were revived , are combined in this book. Part of individual techniques of a magnetic therapy is described relying on the new generation of magnetic therapy's apparatuses: "МИТ-МР" (system of the magnetic resonance), "МИТ-1", etc.

The book is designed for the broad audience of readers and, naturally, first of all - for medical workers.