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МИТ-1 ЛТ-КВЧReflexotherapy
The multifunctional apparatus for physio-puncture and physiotherapy, which uses the laser radiation of the red range of spectrum - 0,65 microns (under the additional agreement - infrared range of spectrum 0,76-0,86 microns) and the electromagnetic radiation of the ultra high frequency (EMR UHF) for ИВТ, МРТ or КВЧ therapy. The device can work with one or two radiators simultaneously, and accordingly, its can influence at two areas or acupuncture points or work with two patients. Laser radiation have the nervous-reflexive, general or local, influence. Local influence strengthens the processes of a protective inhibition in a cerebral cortex and has the harmonizing and hiposensibilic influence that stimulates activity of blood and its saturation by oxygen. Conductivity of the nerve-endings is restored, blood circulation and a metabolism becomes more active. EMR UHF has the powerful anti-inflammatory and anesthetizing quality. For the efficiency rising of the resonant therapy mode is stipulated the mode of deviation of frequency in a range ±5 % from the established modulation frequency. Thus the procedure begins in the mode of deviation and stops on resonant therapeutic frequency. Laser-therapy and UHF-therapy are used as the general preventive procedure, the zone therapy to treatment of concrete pathologies and for reflexotherapy according to recommendations. The device is recommended for application in medical and sanatorium establishments. Specifications:
Operating modes:
The mode of frequency deviation - ± 5 % is set. The device has the indicator of UHF and IR laser radiation. Variants of delivery:
Power supply – 220VAC, 50 Hz; Mass (weight) of the electronic bloc – approx. 2 kg; Mass (weight) of the device (with radiators) – approx. 2,2 kg. |
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