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АЭСЛТ-01Physiotherapy, Reflexotherapy
The device is intended for therapy by micro-currents in a combination with an above-venous irradiation of blood or for influence on a reflexive zone by the magneto-laser applicator. In the device is realized the principle of synchronous therapy of two systems simultaneously and their switching to a biological resonance on frequencies of functioning of the organs, systems or separate cells. The frequencies can be set in the range from 0,001 up to 9999 Hz within one digit with an opportunity to set any of frequencies recommended by Фолль, Ludwig and other authors. Additionally there is the mode of frequency deviation of a current’s modulation for interference therapies and for formations of an impact signal (this signal is similar to the signal in biological system). Application of the micro-current therapy on resonant frequencies allows carrying out the treatment of the majority of diseases with high efficiency but without operative intervention. Laser radiation have the nervous-reflexive, general or local, influence. Local influence strengthens the processes of a protective inhibition in a cerebral cortex and has the harmonizing and hiposensibilic influence that stimulates activity of blood and its saturation by oxygen. Conductivity of the nerve-endings is restored, blood circulation and a metabolism becomes more active. The device is most effective at treatment of diseases of nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive systems. It was applied with success at treatment of a liver and bile ducts, skin, urological and gynecological diseases. The device is recommended for application in medical and rehabilitation institutions, in insurance and sports medicine, in cosmetology centers. Specifications:
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